WSDL Issue | SOAPUI Forum
Nishant Jain Posted on 03/11/2018
I am on Module 19 creating data driven framework

While doing First Step - Creating a SOAP Project, I am not getting requests while inserting URl - http://localhost/retail/retail.php?wsdl

Showing Error Loading WSDL
WSDLException (at /html): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{}definitions'.

My XAMPP Apace and SQL both Start

Nishant Jain Replied on 03/11/2018

I saw the Installation of "Retail_App_Rest" in Module 16. But I am not able to get any video to install Retails app for SOAP.

Please suggest that how can we resolve this issue to get WSDL Working

Abhinav Replied on 03/11/2018

Hi Nishant please share the screenshot where you getting the error.

Abhinav Replied on 03/11/2018

Please follow module 8 part 2 for installation of Soap based retail app.

Nishant Jain Replied on 03/11/2018

Thanks for Quick Help. I am Done